About me
I'm Pamela, I'm 26 years old and I'm from Poland. I speak Polish, English and German on B2 Level. I’m a huge dog lover, of all breeds. We had dogs in my family all my life and i miss them very much in Berlin and unfortunately i don't have one of my own yet. When i was 3 years old, from then on i grew up with a Pekingese who was my best friend. She lived with me for 15 years. Currently, in my family my brother (living in Spain) has a pug who is like a sister to me and my parents (living in Poland) have a Jack Russell and Pincher mix. We treat them as family members. If you are interested in having me take care of your dog, he will be in the best hands. I’m currently not working (making my marketing course online) and in a few days the dog will be with me 24/7. I go for walks very often. I live in Köpenick and there are many wonderful places near nature, so i think it's the perfect place for a dog walks. I would love to meet your dog!
Pet type:
Size (kg):
How many pets can you look after at the same time
Additional skills
Injected Medication Administration
Pets allowed on furniture:
YesChildren under the age of 10: